31 research outputs found

    First-order rewritability of temporal ontology-mediated queries

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    Aiming at ontology-based data access over temporal, in particular streaming data, we design a language of ontology-mediated queries by extending OWL 2 QL and SPARQL with temporal operators, and investigate rewritability of these queries into two-sorted first-order logic with < and PLUS over time

    Ontology-mediated query answering over temporal data: a survey

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    We discuss the use of various temporal knowledge representation formalisms for ontology-mediated query answering over temporal data. In particular, we analyse ontology and query languages based on the linear temporal logic LTL, the multi-dimensional Halpern-Shoham interval temporal logic HSn, as well as the metric temporal logic MTL. Our main focus is on the data complexity of answering temporal ontology-mediated queries and their rewritability into standard first-order and datalog queries

    Memory spaces – cooperative learning between physical and virtual mobility

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    Die Corona-Pandemie hat weltweit zu Bemühungen geführt, neue und innovative Konzepte für die digitale Lehre zu schaffen. Kern unserer Überlegungen ist ein im Wintersemester 2018/2019 an der Universität Greifswald und der Staatlichen Universität St. Petersburg durchgeführtes kooperatives Projektseminar, in dem Studierende gemeinsam an deutsch- und russischsprachigen Erinnerungsdiskursen zu gemeinsamen Erinnerungsorten im kollektiven Gedächtnis der russischen und der deutschen Gesellschaft gearbeitet haben. Ausgehend von einer Annäherung an das Konzept der Erinnerungsorte wird im vorliegenden Beitrag das damalige Kooperationsprojekt vorgestellt, das parallele Arbeitsphasen an den beiden Standorten mit Exkursionen von Studierendengruppen an den jeweils anderen Standort verbunden hat. Den Beitrag runden Überlegungen dazu ab, wie ein solches Seminar im Sinne einer Förderung virtueller akademischer Mobilität fruchtbar gemacht werden kann. The Corona pandemic has led to worldwide efforts to create new and innovative concepts for digital learning. In this article, we present a project oriented seminar that took place at the University of Greifswald and St. Petersburg State University in the winter semester of 2018. In this project seminar students of both universities worked on memory spaces that are at the same time a part of the collective memory of both German- and Russian-speaking discourse communities. After giving an outline on the concept of memory spaces, this article presents the project, which combined parallel work at the two participating universities with study visits of student groups from each university to the partner university. We end with reflections on how such seminars can serve as a basis for virtual academic mobility

    Temporal OBDA with LTL and DL-Lite

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    We investigate various types of query rewriting over ontologies given in the standard temporal logic LTL as well as combinations of LTL with DL-Lite logics. In particular, we consider FO(<)-rewritings that can use the temporal precedence relation, FO(<; +)-rewritings that can also employ the arithmetic predicate PLUS, and rewritings to fi�nite automata with data given on the automaton tape

    Quality control of blood components: selection of laboratory testing methods

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    The blood components transfusion is a significant component of therapy for blood loss, anemia, and surgical operations. One of the main tasks of blood service institutions is the procurement of high-quality transfusion media, the effectiveness of which directly depends on the functioning of the safety system. The implementation of this direction of work is impossible without laboratory testing of the donor biomaterial, a prerequisite for which is the standardization of procedures to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of the results. The aim of this study is to analyze the existing methods for determining hematological parameters and assess their suitability for quality control of blood components. Material and methods. The samples of erythrocyte-containing blood components, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrate, as well as reference buffer solutions for pH measurement have been tested. To determine the number of blood cells, conductometry with hydrodynamic focusing, counting in the Goryaev chamber and laser flow cytofluorimetry, were used. The pH indicator was measured by potentiometry. The content of general and free hemoglobin was assessed by photometric, hemiglobincyanide and SLS method. The hematocrit value was determined on a hematological analyzer and by centrifugation in hematocrit capillaries. The activity of factor VIII was checked by the clotting method. Results and discussion. The generalized results of the metrological assessment and a comparative analysis of the listed laboratory methods, taking into account their sensitivity and precision have been presented. Conclusions. A list of recommended methods for quality control of blood components is formed, for each of which an assigned convergence characteristic is established


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    At present many countries are actively working over the use of sorghum in the food industry as juice, syrup, as well as for the production of alcohol and bioethanol. We do not consider the use of sweet sorghum as a sugar substitute in the food industry and a source of renewable energy in Russia. The main purpose of sorghum, until recently, was fodder. Green mass of sweet sorghum can be used to produce green fodder, hay, haylage, silage, grass meal, granules, etc. In terms of nutritional value, sorghum syrup is next best to sugar-containing products from sugar beet, sugar cane, while its cultivation is more economical and its yields are more stable in any conditions of cultivation. Sweet sorghum syrup in its pure form is more easily digested by the human body than in crystals, and may be used in the production of healthy food consumed by everyone including people with diabetes. This allows us to conclude about the relevance of these studies. Thus, the ARC “Donskoy” varieties, harvested in the phase of ‘wax ripeness of kernels’, produced 37–46 t/ha of green mass with 13–16% sugar in the juice of the stems, and the yield of ‘liquid’ sugar was 2.86–3.81 t/ha. In this country sorghum is unfortunately paid too little attention from both science and production. To sow fodder sweet sorghum on 10–20 hectare is not difficult, and the efficiency of such sowing is quite obvious: about 25 tons of seeds of sweet sorghum, about 65 tons of leaves, stems for silage or hay, about 10 tons of food syrup and more than 100 tons of pulp or bagasse used for making high-quality silage can be obtained from 10 hectares. Sorghum syrup is the most valuable product that can be used in the confectionery industry and in the feeding of all animals

    Biodiversity of sorghum

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    On the basis of economic use there are three main types of sorghum: grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), sweet sor­ghum (Sorghum sahharatum (L.) Pers.) and grass (Sudan) sorghum (Sorghum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf). There are various directions in the breeding work with grain, sweet and grass sorghum. However, the main breeding task of any grain crop is to create highly pro­ductive varieties and hybrids with high quality of products. This implies the involvement of new initial material with the necessary quali­ties in the breeding process. To solve this problem, a rich genetic material is of great need, which will be used in hybridization. The pur­pose of the work is to identify the main directions and results of sorghum breeding, to study biological diversity within the varieties according to individual indicators and to identify the sources of valuable traits. A large number of the identified sources of economically valuable traits, which are annually involved in hybridization with productive varieties gives evidence of the biological diversity and rich genetic material. The fulfilled work resulted in a number of developed varieties that meet the requirements of agricultural production

    Selection of parental pairs and study of new sorghum-sudan hybrids

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    Sorghum-Sudan hybrids, due to their large productivity and adaptability are of great economic importance in improving the feed base. The hybrids significantly exceed the best Sudan grass varieties, both in productivity and quality of green mass. While breeding sorghum-Sudan hybrids, the main direction is the development of highly productive hybrids with different vegetation period, and with highly qualitative green mass. The purpose of the study was to develop and estimate the new sorghum-Sudan hybrids adapted to the soil and weather conditions of the Rostov region. The current study was carried out at the experimental plot of the FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” in 2016-2019. The objects of the study were 14 sorghum-Sudan hybrids and their parental forms, namely 5 CMS lines (“APV-1115”, “A-63”, “Zersta 90”, “Zersta 38”, “Knyazhna”) and 3 highly productive varieties (“Svetloplonchataya 2”, “OD-8”, “Fioletovoplonchataya”). When assessing green mass yields there have been identified the hybrids “Zerst 38 x OD-8” (61.1 t/ha), “APV-1115 x Fioletovoplonchataya” (62.8 t/ha), and “Zersta 38 x Fioletovoplonchataya” (62.9 t/ha), which have significantly exceeded the standard variety “Gustolistny” on 7.1-9.9 t/ha. In addition, the hybrid “APV-1115 x Fioletovoplonchataya” has been characterized with early maturity and highly qualitative green mass


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    Aim. Improving diagnosis of premorbid skin changes of gas production employees.Material and methods. 158 employees of male Astrakhan gas processing plant aged from 28 up to 59 years (on average 40,23±0,49 years) which didn't have at the time of survey the demonstrative forms of the somatic and neurologic diseases and 77 clinically healthy volunteers of control group who were constantly living to Astrakhan aged from 25 up to 55 years are examined (on average 38,18±0,99). Average length of service at the enterprise made 9,02±0,29 years. Assessment of a functional condition of a skin by method of laser Doppler flowmetry was carried out on the laser analyzer of a capillary blood flow (LAKK-01) (NPP Lazma, Moscow). Results. The analysis of hemodynamic types of microcirculation showed that at gas processors disturbances of a peripheric circulation in a skin, and in superficial vessels more expressed, than in deep took place. Most often in all vessels of a skin of brushes and in deep layers of a skin of forearms the hyperemic type, mainly with blood stasis signs in capillaries and stagnation in a post-capillary link was registered. Conclusion. Frequent registration of the phenomena of a stasis of a blood can demonstrate formation of a mikroangiopatiya almost at a third of employees of the plant under the influence of factors of production medium